Last updated March 2023

What is a will?
Are online wills legal in Canada?
Why do I need a will?
What happens if I die without a will?
What happens if I don't have an Enduring Power of Attorney and I lose capacity?
Do I need a lawyer to draft my will?
Who should I appoint as my Executor?
Where should I keep my will?
Can someone contest my will?
Can I make a will from home?
Do I need a lawyer to make a will?
Do I need to sign my will?
Does a lawyer need to sign my will?
Who should I choose to witness my will?
What is probate?
When is probate required?
What is an executor of a will supposed to do?
How much does probate cost?
How long does probate take?
Illustration of a man and a woman standing next to a large question mark.

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