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Crafting a Will Properly: An Introduction to Essential Clauses

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Willfinity Team

In the realm of estate planning, crafting a will is a paramount task that stands as a testament to an individual's intentions for their assets and legacy. This document, despite its apparent simplicity, holds the power to dictate how one's hard-earned assets are distributed and to whom. A will can ensure that your loved ones are provided for, cherished memories are preserved, and any potential conflicts among beneficiaries are minimised.

But what exactly comprises a valid will? How can you be certain that the will you've written or are contemplating writing truly captures your intentions and is legally binding? This article seeks to shed light on these pressing questions. As a legal professional, I've encountered numerous instances where individuals, unaware of the intricacies of will drafting, have faced challenges that could have been easily avoided with proper guidance.

To begin, let's delve into the core components of a will, ensuring it aligns with Canadian legal standards. By understanding these foundational elements, you'll be empowered to make informed decisions and create a will that stands resilient against any potential legal challenges.

The Anatomy of a Will: Key Components

Testator's Declaration: This is the opening statement where the individual drafting the will, known as the testator, declares their intention to create this document. It typically includes an assertion that they are of sound mind and are not under any undue influence. In Canada, the testator must also be of legal age.

Revocation of Previous Wills

To avoid any confusion or potential conflicts with older versions, it's a common practice to include a clause that revokes any previous wills. This ensures that the current document is the only one recognized as valid.

Appointment of an Executor

Entrusting someone with the responsibility of executing your will is a crucial decision. This section designates that individual, providing them with the authority to ensure your wishes are carried out as intended.

Distribution of Assets

Perhaps the most personalised section, this outlines how your assets will be divided among beneficiaries. Specificity is key here to avoid any ambiguity.

Guardianship Provisions

If you have minor children, this section is essential. It determines who will take care of them in the unfortunate event of your passing before they reach adulthood.

Funeral Arrangements

While not mandatory, some individuals choose to specify their desires regarding their funeral, burial, or cremation. This can alleviate the burden on loved ones during a trying time.


For a will to be valid in Canada, it must be signed by the testator in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign the document. These witnesses should not be beneficiaries of the will to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

While this overview provides a foundational understanding, there's more depth to delve into, especially when considering various clauses that can be incorporated to address specific scenarios or wishes.

A Closer Look at Specific Will Clauses

Navigating through the verbiage of legal documents can often be daunting. However, with the right guidance and comprehension, you can ensure that your will reflects your true intentions and stands up to any potential challenges. In this section, we'll delve deeper into some specific clauses that individuals commonly incorporate into their wills.

Residuary Clause

Often overlooked, this clause is incredibly essential. While you might specify certain assets going to particular beneficiaries, there might be others you haven't explicitly mentioned. The residuary clause takes into account all assets not specifically bequeathed and provides instructions for their distribution. Without this clause, any unmentioned assets might be distributed as per the intestacy rules of Canada, which might not align with your desires.

No-Contest Clause

This clause acts as a deterrent for beneficiaries who might consider challenging the will. It essentially states that any beneficiary who contests the will and loses the challenge will forfeit their inheritance. While this sounds strict, it serves to protect the integrity of your wishes.

Trust Clauses for Minor Beneficiaries

If any of your beneficiaries are minors, you might not want them to inherit their portion outright at a young age. Trust clauses can stipulate that the assets be held in trust until the beneficiary reaches a certain age, ensuring they're used responsibly.

Alternate Beneficiary Clause

Life is unpredictable, and there's always a possibility that a beneficiary predeceases the testator. In such scenarios, the alternate beneficiary clause ensures that there's a backup plan in place, outlining who inherits the assets in the absence of the primary beneficiary.

Digital Assets Clause

In this digital age, many of our assets exist in the virtual realm—social media accounts, digital currencies, online banking, and more. A digital assets clause ensures that your executor has the authority and information needed to handle these digital assets as per your wishes.

Life Interest Clause

There might be situations where you want a beneficiary to benefit from an asset during their lifetime, but not own it outright. For instance, you might want a spouse to live in the family home for their lifetime, after which the property would pass to your children. A life interest clause can make this possible.

Simultaneous Death Clause

While grim, it's important to consider scenarios where the testator and a beneficiary die simultaneously or under uncertain circumstances. This clause specifies how assets should be distributed in such cases, ensuring that the intentions are clear even in these unfortunate events.

Understanding these clauses is pivotal in ensuring that your will is comprehensive and reflective of all potential scenarios. An informed approach ensures that your loved ones are taken care of, and potential disputes or confusions are minimised.

Maintaining the Relevance of Your Will: Updates, Validity, and Regular Reviews

In the ever-evolving tapestry of our lives, changes are inevitable. From marriages to the birth of children or grandchildren, asset acquisitions, or other significant life events, these milestones often necessitate a reassessment of our estate planning instruments, most notably, our wills.

Periodic Reviews

Legal experts often advise individuals to review their wills every 3-5 years. This doesn't necessarily mean that changes are required, but it's a prudent practice to ensure that the document still aligns with your current circumstances and wishes.

Major Life Events

Certain life events should automatically trigger a review of your will. These include:


In many jurisdictions in Canada, marriage can automatically revoke a pre-existing will unless the will was made in contemplation of that marriage.


While divorce doesn't automatically invalidate a will, it might affect clauses pertaining to the ex-spouse.

Birth or Adoption of Children

Ensure that your will accounts for all your descendants, especially if you wish to leave assets to them.

Acquisition or Disposal of Significant Assets

If you've bought a new property or sold a significant asset, it's essential to ensure that your will reflects these changes.

Validity Checks

It's not just about what's written in the will, but also how it's formalised:

  • Witnesses: Remember, in Canada, a will must be signed in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign the document. Ensure that these witnesses aren't beneficiaries.
  • Cohesiveness: Ensure that any codicils (additions or changes) made to the will are consistent with the original intent and don't introduce contradictions.
  • Clarity: Ambiguities can lead to disputes. It's paramount that the language used is clear, and the intentions are unequivocally stated.

Seeking Professional Guidance

While various templates and online tools can be useful, there's no substitute for professional advice. An experienced legal professional can provide insights, highlight potential pitfalls, and ensure that the will is drafted and executed in line with Canadian legal standards.


Once the will is drafted and formalised, it's essential to store it in a safe and accessible location. Inform your executor or a trusted individual about its whereabouts. Some choose to leave a copy with their attorney or in a safety deposit box.

In conclusion, a will is not a stagnant document but rather a dynamic reflection of one's life and wishes. By staying informed, regularly reviewing, and seeking expert guidance, you can ensure that your legacy is preserved and passed on as intended.

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