9 min read

Crafting Your Will with Ease: Comprehensive Guide

Uros Obradovic
Written by
Uros Obradovic

Hello, fellow Canadians! I'm delighted to share a piece of vital information with you all, a topic that is often surrounded by many myths and misunderstandings. As the founder of Willfinity, I have made it my mission to demystify the process of will writing for you. Today, I am here to guide you through the seamless journey of creating a will without the need for a lawyer. Though it might seem like a daunting task, it's much simpler than you might think, especially when you're guided step by step.

Understanding the Essence of a Will

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of crafting a will, let's understand what a will truly entails. A will is a legally binding document that outlines how your assets and properties should be distributed after your demise. It stands as a testimony of your wishes, ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of and that your assets are distributed as per your desires.

Why You Might Consider Writing Your Own Will

In Canada, it's not uncommon for individuals to decide to craft their own wills. While seeking legal advice is always beneficial, sometimes, personal circumstances dictate that we take a more hands-on approach. Maybe you have a clear-cut plan for your assets, or perhaps you're just looking for a more budget-friendly option. Regardless, writing your own will can be a straightforward process if guided properly.


One of the primary reasons people opt to write their will themselves is to save on legal fees. Lawyers can sometimes charge substantial amounts for drafting a will. By taking the reins yourself, you can significantly reduce these costs.

Personal Touch

When you write your own will, you have the opportunity to add a personal touch to the document. You can articulate your wishes in a manner that truly reflects your personality and values.

Methods to Create a Legally Valid Will in Canada

In our beautiful country, you have several avenues to craft a valid will without the assistance of a lawyer. Here, I will break down the three primary methods you might consider:

1. Crafting a Holographic Will

A holographic will, also known as a handwritten will, is a document penned entirely by the testator (that's you!). This kind of will does not require witnesses, but it needs to be written clearly and should indicate the distribution of your assets effectively.


  • Personalization: You can personalise your will, adding notes or specific instructions for your loved ones.
  • No Legal Fees: As you're drafting it yourself, you save on legal fees.


  • Not Applicable for Real Property in British Columbia: It's crucial to note that a holographic will cannot be utilised to deal with real property in British Columbia.
  • Not Recognized in PEI: This type of will is not recognized in Prince Edward Island (PEI).

2. Utilising a DIY Will Kit

A DIY will kit is a resourceful tool that guides you in creating your will. These kits often come with instructions and templates to help you draft a legally binding document.


  • Guidance: These kits provide guidance, helping you avoid common mistakes.
  • Templates: The kits offer templates that make the drafting process simpler.


  • One Size Doesn't Fit All: Sometimes, these kits might not cater to individual specific needs or complex asset distributions.

3. Leveraging an Online Will Platform

Online will platforms, like Willfinity, have revolutionised the way we approach will writing. These platforms offer step-by-step guidance to help you craft a will that suits your needs.


  • Ease of Use: These platforms are user-friendly, making the process of writing a will quite straightforward.
  • Expert Assistance: Many platforms offer expert assistance to help you navigate complex situations.


  • Subscription Fees: While these platforms are convenient, some of them might come with subscription fees. Make sure to inform yourself before picking a right platform for you.

Ensuring Your Will is Legally Valid

Creating a will is one part of the puzzle; ensuring it is legally valid is another. In Canada, the requirements for a valid will can vary from province to province. Generally, a will needs to be written clearly, outlining the distribution of assets and signed by the testator.

Now, this is just the beginning. In our journey ahead, we will delve deeper into each of these methods, discussing in detail the steps involved, the precautions to take, and how to navigate the complexities that might arise. We will also explore the importance of keeping your will updated and how to appoint the right executors.

Stay tuned as we unravel the world of will writing, making it accessible and understandable for every Canadian.

Taking a Closer Look at Holographic Wills

In the realm of will writing, a holographic will holds a special place due to its personal touch and simplicity. Let's explore this method in detail, shall we?

Understanding the Holographic Will

A holographic will, by its very nature, is perhaps the most personal way to craft a will. This is a document that is entirely handwritten by you, the testator. It is a reflection of your wishes penned down in your own words, giving it a unique personal touch.

Why Choose a Holographic Will

You might find this method appealing for several reasons. Firstly, it gives you full control over articulating your wishes without the interference of legal jargon that sometimes accompanies lawyer-drafted wills. Secondly, this method is cost-effective, allowing you to avoid legal fees entirely. Lastly, the process is quick; all you need is a pen and paper.

Crafting a Legally Binding Holographic Will

While the idea of a holographic will might seem simple, it is vital that the document is crafted in a manner that leaves no room for ambiguity. Here are some steps to guide you:

  • Clear Identification: Begin by clearly identifying yourself, including your full name and address, to leave no doubt about the author of the will.
  • Asset Distribution: Clearly outline how you wish to distribute your assets, mentioning specific details about the beneficiaries and the assets they are to receive.
  • Appointing an Executor: Choose a trusted individual to act as the executor of your will. This person will be responsible for ensuring that your wishes are carried out as outlined in the will.
  • Signature and Date: At the end of the document, sign and date the will to validate it. While witnesses are not required for a holographic will, adding a date is crucial to ascertain the time the will was created.

Points to Consider

  • Clarity is Key: Ensure that your handwriting is legible and your instructions are clear to avoid potential disputes.
  • Provincial Regulations: Be aware of the specific regulations in your province. For instance, holographic wills cannot deal with real property in British Columbia and are not recognized in PEI.
  • Safe Storage: Once written, store your will in a safe and accessible place, informing a trusted person of its location.

Real-Life Scenario

To give you a clearer picture, let's consider a hypothetical scenario. Imagine Sarah, a resident of Ontario, decided to pen down her holographic will. Being a person who cherished personal connections, she preferred to articulate her wishes in her own words. Sarah took time to clearly outline the distribution of her assets, appointing her best friend as the executor. She signed and dated the will, storing it safely in her personal locker.

Through this method, Sarah managed to create a will that not only reflected her wishes but also held a personal touch, something that a legal document crafted by a lawyer might lack.

Navigating the World of DIY Will Kits

DIY will kits have emerged as a popular choice for many Canadians seeking a middle ground between handwriting their wills and seeking legal assistance. Let’s dive into the intricacies of utilising DIY will kits.

An Overview of DIY Will Kits

DIY will kits serve as a bridge, offering guidance to those keen on crafting their wills but with a bit of structured assistance. These kits usually contain templates and guidelines that can help in drafting a will that adheres to legal requirements, without the steep legal fees.

Why Opt for a DIY Will Kit

Here are a few reasons why a DIY will kit might be the right choice for you:

  • Guided Process: These kits offer a structured approach, providing guidelines to help you avoid common pitfalls.
  • Cost-Effective: Significantly cheaper than hiring a lawyer, these kits offer a budget-friendly alternative.
  • Convenience: You can work on your will at your own pace, revisiting and revising the document as needed.

Making the Most of a DIY Will Kit

Using a DIY will kit can be quite straightforward. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Understanding Your Needs: Before you begin, understand your specific needs and asset distribution plans. This will help you choose a template that suits you best.
  2. Filling in the Template: Follow the guidelines provided to fill in the template. Be sure to provide clear and detailed information to avoid ambiguity.
  3. Seeking External Advice: If you encounter complex situations while using the kit, do not hesitate to seek external advice to ensure your will is legally sound.
  4. Review and Revise: Once drafted, review your will to ensure that it accurately reflects your wishes. Feel free to make revisions as necessary.

Points to Consider

  • Complex Situations: DIY will kits might not be the best choice for individuals with complex asset distributions or family situations. In such cases, seeking legal advice might be prudent.
  • Provincial Laws: Be aware of the laws pertaining to wills in your province to ensure compliance.

Case Study

Imagine the case of David, a Calgary resident with a straightforward asset distribution plan. He opted for a DIY will kit, which guided him step by step in drafting his will. Though initially apprehensive, David found the process to be quite intuitive, with clear guidelines helping him avoid common mistakes. This approach allowed David to craft a will that met his needs without burning a hole in his pocket.

Harnessing the Power of Online Will Platforms

In the digital age, online will platforms have come to the forefront, offering an amalgamation of convenience and expertise. As someone who spearheaded Willfinity, an online will platform designed to simplify the will-making process for Canadians, I can offer you an inside peek into how these platforms operate.

An Insight into Online Will Platforms

Online will platforms, like Willfinity, are designed to offer a seamless experience in crafting your will. These platforms offer step-by-step guidance, coupled with expert assistance, to help you navigate the complexities of will writing.

Advantages of Using an Online Will Platform

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with the user in mind, these platforms offer an intuitive interface that guides you at each step.
  • Expert Assistance: Should you encounter complex situations, many platforms offer expert assistance to navigate them.
  • Customization: These platforms allow for customization, catering to individual needs and preferences.

Crafting Your Will with Willfinity

As the founder of Willfinity, I am proud to share how our platform can assist you in your will-writing journey:

  • Guidance at Each Step: Our platform guides you at each step, offering tips and advice to craft a legally sound will.
  • Resource Hub: At Willfinity, we offer a resource hub that provides articles, case studies, and expert advice to help you make informed decisions.
  • Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always on standby to assist you with any queries or concerns.

Points to Consider

  • Subscription Fees: While offering a plethora of benefits, some of these platforms might come with subscription fees (Willfinity charges you only once, when you make a will). It's essential to weigh the costs against the benefits before making a choice.
  • Secure Storage: Make sure the platform you pick offers secure storage options for your will, ensuring its safety and accessibility.

The Fluid Nature of Wills: Updating Your Document

Life is a series of evolving circumstances, and your will should be able to adapt to these changes. Let's discuss why updating your will is not just necessary but a responsible step to take.

Understanding the Need for Updates

Creating a will is not a one-time affair. As life progresses, your circumstances, wishes, and asset distribution plans might change. Updating your will to reflect these changes ensures that it remains an accurate representation of your current wishes.

Situations That Call for an Update

Here are a few situations where updating your will becomes necessary:

  • Marriage or Divorce: Significant life events like marriage or divorce necessitate a review and potential update of your will.
  • Birth of a Child or Grandchild: The arrival of a new family member might mean that you want to include provisions for them in your will.
  • Acquisition or Sale of Assets: Significant changes in your asset portfolio should be reflected in your will to ensure accurate distribution.

How to Update Your Will

Updating your will can be a relatively straightforward process, especially if you are using an online platform like Willfinity. Here are some steps you might consider:

  • Review Regularly: Make it a habit to review your will periodically, preferably annually, to check for any necessary updates.
  • Consult with Family: Discuss your plans with your family to ensure that your wishes align with the needs and expectations of your loved ones.
  • Seek Expert Advice: If your changes are significant, consider seeking expert advice to ensure that the updates are legally sound.
  • Documenting Changes: When making changes, ensure that they are documented clearly and unambiguously to avoid potential disputes later on.

Expert Tips

  • Creating a New Will: In some cases, especially if the changes are substantial, it might be prudent to create a new will rather than amending the existing one.
  • Revocation Clause: If crafting a new will, include a clause that revokes the previous wills to avoid confusion and legal complications.

Choosing the Right Executor: A Critical Decision

The appointment of an executor is a pivotal aspect of crafting a will. Let's delve into the nuances of selecting the right executor.

Understanding the Role of an Executor

An executor is a person entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that your wishes, as outlined in your will, are carried out upon your demise. This is a role that comes with significant responsibilities and duties.

Qualities of a Good Executor

Choosing the right executor is crucial. Here are some qualities to look for:

  1. Trustworthiness: Choose someone who is trustworthy and would honour your wishes without any prejudice.
  2. Organisational Skills: The role involves managing and distributing assets, requiring a person with good organisational skills.
  3. Availability and Willingness: Ensure that the person you choose is available and willing to take up this responsibility.

Steps to Choosing an Executor

  1. List Potential Candidates: Begin by listing potential candidates who you believe would be capable of fulfilling this role effectively.
  2. Discuss Your Plans: Before finalising, discuss your plans with the potential executors to gauge their willingness and availability.
  3. Seek Legal Advice: If your asset distribution is complex, consider seeking legal advice to ensure that your executor is equipped to handle the responsibilities.
  4. Alternate Executor: Consider appointing an alternate executor in case the primary executor is unable to fulfil their role.

Expert Tips

  • Professional Executors: In some cases, appointing a professional executor like a lawyer or a financial institution might be a prudent choice, especially if the estate is complex.
  • Clarify the Role: Clearly outline the role and responsibilities of the executor in your will to avoid confusion and disputes later on.

The Paramount Importance of Having a Will

As we traverse life's journey, safeguarding our loved ones' future becomes a priority. Having a well-crafted will is a testament to that foresight. Let's delve deeper into why having a will is not just a legal formality but a crucial aspect of financial planning.

Safeguarding Your Wishes

A will is more than a document; it is a protective shield that ensures your wishes are respected and implemented even when you are not around to oversee it. It serves as a blueprint that guides the distribution of your assets in accordance with your desires.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your assets will be distributed as per your wishes can offer a tremendous sense of peace and security. It eliminates the potential for disputes and disagreements among family members, fostering harmony and unity.

Avoiding Legal Complications

In the absence of a will, the distribution of assets becomes a legal quagmire, fraught with complications and delays. Having a will streamlines the process, ensuring a smooth transition of assets to the rightful beneficiaries.

The Legal Ramifications of Not Having a Will

Not having a will, also known as dying intestate, can have several legal repercussions. Let's explore what this means and why it is best avoided.

Government Intervention

In the absence of a will, the government steps in to oversee the distribution of assets. This process is not only time-consuming but might also not align with your personal wishes and preferences.

Potential Family Disputes

Without a clear directive, family members might have differing opinions on the distribution of assets, leading to potential disputes and disagreements. This can strain relationships and create a hostile environment.

Financial Burden

The legal proceedings associated with dying intestate can be financially draining. The costs associated with legal disputes and court proceedings can significantly erode the value of the estate.

Expert Tips

  • Seek Legal Advice: If unsure about the process, do not hesitate to seek legal advice to craft a will that aligns with your wishes and the legal requirements of your province.
  • Asset Inventory: Maintain an updated inventory of your assets to facilitate a smooth and accurate distribution.
  • Witnesses: Ensure that your will is witnessed by individuals who are not beneficiaries to avoid potential legal challenges.

Conclusion: Your Will, Your Legacy

Crafting a will is not merely a legal requirement; it is a reflection of your legacy, a testament to your life's work and the values you uphold. As the founder of Willfinity, I have witnessed firsthand the peace and security that a well-crafted will can offer. As Canadians, we have the privilege of accessing various avenues to craft our wills, be it through holographic wills, DIY kits, or online platforms like Willfinity.

In this comprehensive guide, we have traversed the world of will-writing in Canada, exploring the nuances and intricacies of crafting a legally valid will. We have delved into the methods available, the importance of updating your will, and the critical role of appointing the right executor.

As you embark on this journey, remember that your will is a living document, a reflection of your wishes and your legacy. It is my sincere hope that this guide serves as a beacon, guiding you towards crafting a will that honours your life's journey and safeguards your loved ones' future.

Thank you for joining me on this educational journey. Remember, at Willfinity, we are always here to assist you in crafting a will that stands as a true testament to your legacy.

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