
Understanding Representation Agreements in British Columbia

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Willfinity Team

Representation Agreements are essential legal tools used in British Columbia for advance care and estate planning. Through a Representation Agreement, individuals can ensure that their personal, medical, and financial affairs are managed according to their wishes, even if they become incapable of making decisions on their own.


In British Columbia, individuals have the opportunity to plan ahead for unforeseen circumstances such as incapacity through a legal document known as a Representation Agreement. This document allows you to appoint a trusted person, known as a representative, to make decisions on your behalf regarding personal care, health care, and in some cases, legal and financial matters. The importance of having a Representation Agreement cannot be understated—it provides peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be honored, and your affairs managed by someone you trust.

Legal Framework

The legal basis for Representation Agreements in British Columbia is established under the Representation Agreement Act. This legislation delineates two primary types of Representation Agreements:

Standard Representation Agreements (Section 7)

These agreements are crafted for adults who may be incapable of managing certain aspects of their lives, yet wish to have a say in their personal care and health care decisions. Under a Section 7 Agreement, the representative can help with everyday decisions and is restricted from refusing health care necessary to preserve life.

Enhanced Representation Agreements (Section 9)

Unlike standard agreements, Enhanced or Section 9 Agreements require the adult to be capable of understanding the nature and consequences of the agreement. These agreements grant broader authority to the representative, including making major health care decisions even against the adult's wishes at the time of decision-making.

Furthermore, it's vital to understand the distinction between a Representation Agreement and a Power of Attorney. While both documents appoint someone to act on your behalf, a Power of Attorney is primarily concerned with financial and legal matters, whereas a Representation Agreement focuses on personal and health care decisions.

Preparing a Representation Agreement

Creating a Representation Agreement is a significant step towards safeguarding your future. Here are the essential steps involved in preparing a Representation Agreement in British Columbia:

Choosing a Representative:

  • Select someone you trust implicitly.
  • The representative should be willing and able to carry out your wishes.
  • Common choices include spouses, adult children, or close friends.

Defining the Scope of Authority:

  • Detail the decisions the representative is authorized to make on your behalf.
  • Define any limitations or specific wishes you have regarding your care and affairs.


  • Complete the required forms for a Representation Agreement (Section 9) Form.
  • Consult with a lawyer to ensure the agreement is legally sound and meets your needs.

Types of Representation Agreements

As highlighted earlier, there are two main types of Representation Agreements in British Columbia, each serving different purposes:

Standard Representation Agreements:

  • Ideal for individuals who may lack full capacity but still wish to have a say in their personal and health care decisions.
  • Covers everyday decisions and certain financial and legal matters.

Enhanced Representation Agreements:

  • Suitable for individuals with full capacity wanting to plan for unexpected future incapacity.
  • Grants broader authority to the representative, covering significant health care decisions.

Representation Agreements in British Columbia are a cornerstone for effective estate and advance care planning. They provide a structured way to ensure that your wishes are respected and followed, regardless of what the future holds.

Implementing and Managing Representation Agreements in British Columbia

Once you've grasped the essence and legal framework of Representation Agreements, the next step involves the practical aspect of creating and managing these agreements. This part of the article sheds light on the procedural aspects, the roles and responsibilities of your chosen representative, and how to navigate challenges that may arise during the implementation of Representation Agreements.

Process of Creating a Representation Agreement

Creating a Representation Agreement involves several crucial steps that require careful consideration and legal guidance:

Legal Prerequisites:

  • Understanding the legal capacity requirements as outlined in the Representation Agreement Act.
  • Being aware of your rights and the authority you are granting to your representative.

Documentation and Forms:

  • Obtaining and completing the necessary forms such as the Representation Agreement (Section 9) Form from the official government website of British Columbia.
  • Ensuring that the agreement is drafted clearly and comprehensively to reflect your wishes accurately.

Legal Consultation:

  • Seeking legal advice to ensure the Representation Agreement is in compliance with British Columbia law.
  • Having a lawyer review the document to ensure it serves your intended purpose and protects your interests.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Representative

Being a representative is a position of trust and carries significant responsibilities. Here are the core duties and expectations:

Fiduciary Duty:

  • Acting in good faith and in the best interest of the adult.
  • Exercising the care, diligence, and skill of a reasonably prudent person.

Making Health Care Decisions:

  • Making decisions in line with the adult's known wishes or best interests if the wishes are not known.
  • The authority may extend to consenting or refusing consent to certain kinds of health care, including life-preserving treatment, as specified in the Enhanced Representation Agreement.

Managing Financial Affairs:

  • If authorized, managing the adult's financial affairs diligently.
  • Keeping accurate records of all transactions and actions taken on behalf of the adult.

Challenges and Solutions

Representation Agreements can pose challenges, especially when faced with incapacity or family disputes. Here's how to address common issues:

Addressing Incapacity and Communication Barriers:

  • Ensuring the agreement contains clear provisions for determining incapacity.
  • Establishing alternative communication methods or decision-making protocols in case of incapacity.

Resolving Disputes and Issues of Trust:

  • Having clear dispute resolution clauses within the Representation Agreement.
  • Considering mediation or legal intervention if disagreements arise regarding the interpretation or implementation of the agreement.

Representation Agreements in British Columbia are an effective means to ensure your personal, health, and financial affairs are managed according to your wishes, even in the face of unexpected life events. Through careful planning, legal guidance, and open communication with your chosen representative, you can create a Representation Agreement that stands the test of time and serves your best interests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The process of drafting, implementing, and managing Representation Agreements can be intricate. Here are some frequently asked questions to provide further clarity on this legal instrument:

What is the difference between a Power of Attorney and a Representation Agreement?

A Power of Attorney primarily focuses on financial and legal affairs, allowing the appointed person to manage assets, pay bills, and handle other financial matters on your behalf.

A Representation Agreement encompasses personal and health care decisions, enabling the representative to make choices regarding your medical treatment, living arrangements, and other personal care matters.

Can a Representation Agreement be revoked or amended?

Yes, a Representation Agreement can be revoked or amended as long as you have the legal capacity to do so. It's advisable to consult with a lawyer to ensure the revocation or amendment complies with the legal requirements of British Columbia.

What happens if a representative abuses their authority?

If a representative abuses their authority, legal action can be taken to protect the adult's interests. This may include revoking the Representation Agreement, appointing a new representative, or seeking court intervention to address the abuse.

How does a representative make decisions if the adult is incapable of communicating their wishes?

The representative should make decisions based on any known wishes of the adult. If the adult's wishes are unknown, decisions should be made in the adult’s best interest, considering the adult’s known beliefs and values.

Who can be appointed as a representative?

Any adult (19 years or older) who is willing and capable can be appointed as a representative. It's important to choose someone trustworthy, who understands your wishes, and is capable of acting in your best interest.

Are there different types of Representation Agreements?

Yes, there are two main types of Representation Agreements in British Columbia: Standard Representation Agreements (Section 7) and Enhanced Representation Agreements (Section 9). Each serves different purposes and grants varying levels of authority to the representative.

Representation Agreements are a critical part of planning for the future, especially when it comes to protecting your interests in the face of incapacity or other unforeseen circumstances. It’s advisable to seek legal guidance to ensure that your Representation Agreement is crafted to serve your unique needs and circumstances.

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